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The climate of Durban: when to go to Durban

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Durban has a sub-tropical climate, with warm and sunny winters, and hot and humid summers. The winters are mild, the average minimum winter temperatures vary between 11 ° C and 15 ° C, while the average maximum winter temperatures are around 23 ° C. Summers are hot and humid with average maximum temperatures ranging between 28 ° C and 27 ° C, the average minimum summer temperatures vary between 21 ° C and 20 ° C.

The rains are concentrated in the summer months, between October and March, when they occur in the form of afternoon thunderstorms. The annual average rainfall is just over 1,000 mm. The rainiest month is January with 134 mm of rain. The driest month is June, with 28 mm of rain. The city is also occasionally affected by storms and tropical cyclones, this happens during the cyclone season which includes the months from November to April.

Durban has an average of 130 rainy days per year. The driest months are those of June and July which have an average of only 5 rainy days per month. The months from October to March are the rainiest with an average ranging from 16 rainy days in November and 13 rainy days in February and March.

The sea water temperature varies between 21 ° C in August and September and 26 ° C in the summer months.


The best time to visit Durban are the months between April and September, which are cooler and less rainy.


DURBAN (12 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 21 28 134  15
February 21 28 113  13
March 20 28 120  13
April 17 26 73  9
May 14 25 59  7
June 11 23 28  5
July 11 23 39  5
August 13 23 62  7
September 15 23 73  11
October 17 24 98  15
November 18 25 108  16
December 20 27 102  15
YEAR 17 25 1009  130
Month Sea Water Temperature °C
January 26
February 26
March 26
April 25
May 24
June 22
July 22
August 21
September 21
October 22
November 23
December 24

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