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The climate of Easter Island: when to go to Easter Island

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Easter Island is located in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean at about 27 degrees latitude south, its latitude and its location in the middle of the larger ocean of the earth means that the island is affected by a  semi-tropical climate, characterized by low daily temperature fluctuations and annual rainfall distributed throughout the year. The wind blowing quite often is one of the characteristic features of the climate of Easter Island.

The temperatures of Easter Island are mild and suffer minimal seasonal variations, the average maximum temperatures vary between 27 ° C in February and 21 ° C in the winter months between June and September, while the average minimum temperatures vary between 20 ° C in January, February and March and 15 ° C for the months between July and October.

The island is exposed for most of the year to trade winds, blowing in a northeasterly direction. The wettest months are between April and May, on average, fall 1,100 mm of rainfall annually, the driest months are between October and February.

The temperature of the Easter Island sea  is for the whole year above 20 ° C, it varies between 25 ° C in the months of February and March and 20 ° C for the months between July and October.


Due to the to the mild climate any time of the year is suitable for visiting the island, the best time for a trip to Easter Island, however, are the less rainy months ranging from August to March.


Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 19,8 27,0 72,8
February 20,2 27,3 84,8
March 19,9 26,9 95,6
April 18,9 25,4 120,7
May 17,7 23,4 152,9
June 16,5 22,0 106,3
July 15,7 21,3 105,1
August 15,4 21,2 93,8
September 15,5 21,7 86,8
October 16,0 22,5 68,0
November 17,3 23,9 74,0
December 18,4 25,4 86,4
YEAR 17,6 24,0 1147,2
Month Sea Water Temperature °C
January 24
February 25
March 25
April 24
May 23
June 22
July 20
August 20
September 20
October 20
November 22
December 23

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