New York

New York Christmas Markets

Christmas in New York is always something special. The city is full of lights like never before. There are several ice skating rinks and many Christmas trees covered with lights and Christmas decorations. All of the larger shopping centers and the most ...

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The climate of Niagara Falls: when to go to Niagara

The climate of the Niagara Falls area is an humid continental type characterized by cold and harsh winters, mild summers and rainfall well distributed throughout the year. The winter temperatures are cold and in January, which is the coldest month ...

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Niagara Falls: America’s natural wonder

Niagara Falls, one of the natural wonders of North America. These waterfalls are located in the northwestern part of the state of New York, about 30 km northwest of the city of Buffalo, and are divided between Canada and the ...

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The most spectacular waterfalls in the world

Garganta del Diablo, Iguazú Falls, Brazil-Argentina. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

The waterfalls are among the most exciting spectacles of nature. Almost every nation on Earth has waterfalls. There are waterfalls of a few meters high up to waterfalls that approach the kilometer in height. A waterfall is formed when the ...

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New York (State): nature and city, Niagara and New York

The state of New York (The Empire State) is located in the northeastern part of the United States. The largest city in the state is the New York megalopolis, but the state capital is Albany. This is one of the ...

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The climate of New York: when to go to New York

The city of New York has a humid continental climate, but is also influenced by the presence of the Atlantic Ocean, the city is located at the confluence of two continental climate  masses: the warm and humid climatic area from ...

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New York: the city symbol of the United States

New York is located at the mouth of the Hudson River in the Atlantic Ocean. The city lies on numerous islands (Manhattan, Staten Island, Long Island) and on the mainland, and is made up of the 5 districts of Brooklyn, ...

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