Home / Oceania / Australia


Flowering desert: a spectacle of nature

Namaqualand, South Africa. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Deserts are inhospitable areas of the earth characterized by great aridity. In these regions there is very little rainfall and life forms, both animal and vegetable, have to face some of the most hostile conditions on the planet. In deserts, ...

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Sydney Christmas

The capital of New South Wales, Sydney is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city. Sydney overlooks a spectacular bay and is home to a very busy port. On the edge of the harbor near the Circular Quay, is located The Rocks ...

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Whitehaven Beach: Australia’s most photographed beach

The archipelago of the Whitsundays is located in the Australian state of Queensland, along the Australian Great Barrier Reef. These islands are an archipelago of 74 tropical islands which represent one of Australia’s main attractions. Here is also one of ...

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Melbourne: the cultural capital of Australia

Melbourne, the capital of the state of Victoria, is a city full of contrasts. This city is the most important center of the country in terms of culture, and with almost five million inhabitants in 2019 it is second only ...

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Great Ocean Road: a spectacular coast of Australia

Melbourne and the bay of Port Phillip mark the division between the western and eastern coasts of the Australian state of Victoria. The two coasts, although only a few hundred kilometers apart, seem to belong to two completely different worlds. ...

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Victoria: Australia with very different landscapes

The state of Victoria (237,629 km², 6,600,000 inhabitants (2019)) is located in the southern part of Australia and after Tasmania it is the smallest Australian state but it is also the most densely populated state in the country. Melbourne (over ...

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New South Wales: a beautiful natural landscape

The state of New South Wales (809.444 km², 8 million inhabitants (2020)) is located in the southeastern part of Australia and is the most populous state in the country. In fact, a third of the Australian population lives there. This ...

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Lord Howe: an island off eastern Australia

Lord Howe Island (56 km²) is a small volcanic island located 600 km off the east coast of Australia, around 31 ° south latitude and 159 ° east longitude. The island, which is part of the Australian state of New ...

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Guide to Australia Hotels and Bed and Breakfasts

The hotel accommodations in Australia are of an excellent standard and can satisfy all the needs of economic availability. You can choose from luxury hotels and facilities, comfortable hotels, apartments and farms, bed and breakfasts and hostels. Where possible, reservations ...

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The most spectacular waterfalls in the world

Garganta del Diablo, Iguazú Falls, Brazil-Argentina. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

The waterfalls are among the most exciting spectacles of nature. Almost every nation on Earth has waterfalls. There are waterfalls of a few meters high up to waterfalls that approach the kilometer in height. A waterfall is formed when the ...

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Tasmania: the great Australian island

Tasmania is a large island located in the southern part of the Australian continent. This island lost along the southeastern coast of Australia – from which is separated by the waters of the Bass Strait, an arm of the ocean ...

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Shark Bay: stromatolites, Shell Beach and dolphins

Shark Bay is one of the Western Australian sites that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The site is known worldwide as one of the few where stromatolites can be seen. These ancient organisms are sedimentary structures due ...

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The climate of Coral Bay: when to go to the Ningaloo Reef

The Ningaloo Reef is part of the coast of Western Australia which is located just north of the Tropic of Capricorn line, so its climate is tropical, hot and dry throughout the year. This is also the climate of Coral ...

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Coral Bay, Ningaloo Reef and Cape Range

Along the coast of Western Australia there is one of the most beautiful coral reefs on the planet: the Ningaloo Reef. At the center of this coral reef is the resort of Coral Bay, where the coral reef is located ...

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The climate of Karijini: when to go to Karijini Park

The Karijini park is located in the Pilbara region, a semi-desert region of Western Australia. The park is located in the interior of Western Australia a few hundred kilometers from the Indian Ocean coast. The climate of the Karijini park ...

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Karijini National Park: the park of the canyons and waterfalls

Karijini National Park, also known by the name of Hamersley Range, is famous for its spectacular mountains, gorges, streams and highlands. Karijini is the second largest national park in Western Australia and one of the most spectacular Australian parks. Located ...

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The climate of Broome: when to go to Broome

Broome, being about 18 ° south of the equator, has a semi-arid tropical climate characterized by two seasons based on rainfall. The town has in fact a long dry and arid season that begins in April and ends in November, ...

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Eighty Mile Beach: looking for shells

Eighty Mile Beach is a long stretch of sand that spans much of the coast between Cape Missiessy and Cape Keraudren in Western Australia. Between the towns of Port Hedland and Broome. This beach represents the meeting point between the ...

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Broome: wonderful beaches and pearls

Broome is located along the north-western coast of Australia, south of Dampier Land and west of the wild Kimberley, of which Broome is the southern gateway. Founded around 1880 as a pearl port. It became a center of attraction for ...

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Mount Olgas (Kata Tjuta): the house of the Wanambi snake

The Olgas Mountains (Mount Olgas) also called with the Aboriginal name of Kata Tjuta, is a group of red rocks carved by the elements that are located a few tens of kilometers from Ayers Rock (Uluru). These rocks suddenly rise ...

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Kings Canyon: a spectacular canyon in the Australian desert

Kings Canyon is a spectacular canyon located in Watarrka National Park in central Australia. The canyon is located 440 km south-west of Alice Springs about 300 km north-east of Ayers Rock (Uluru). Kings Canyon is a spectacular area of the ...

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Ayers Rock (Uluru): the symbol of wild Australia

In the heart of what is called the Red Center of Australia lies what is, together with the kangaroos, the symbol of the country. The huge rocky monolith of Ayers Rock, which the Aborigines call in their language Uluru. Uluru ...

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The climate of Alice Springs: when to go to Alice Springs

Alice Springs has a very hot and dry desert climate, summers are very hot, while winters are quite cold, there are also significant differences in temperature between day and night. The climate is arid, with little or no rainfall. The city ...

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Alice Springs: a city steeped in Aboriginal culture

Alice Springs is a town in the Australian Northern Territories located in the center of the Australian continent. The city is located along the Todd River, which is often dry, close to the MacDonnell Range mountains, 1,500 kilometers north of ...

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Pinnacles Desert: limestone rocks with bizarre shapes

The Nambung National Park is located about 200 km north of Perth, near the town of Cervantes, off the coast of the Indian Ocean. The park was created to protect the famous Pinnacles Desert, an area of ​​coastal sand dunes ...

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The climate of Perth: when to go to Perth

Perth has a mild Mediterranean climate that can be divided into canonical four seasons, the summers, between December and March, are hot and dry, the winters, between June and September, are mild and rainy, spring and autumn are mild and ...

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Perth: one of the most livable cities in Australia

Perth, the capital of Western Australia, was founded in 1829 along the banks of the Swan River near the mouth of the river in the Indian Ocean. The place was initially a penal colony and a military post. Later the ...

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The climate of Western Australia: when to go

Western Australia has many types of climate, in the south-west, the climate is temperate, with winter rainfall (June-August) and four distinct seasons, to the north the climate is tropical with a wet season and a dry season (April to November) ...

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Western Australia: beaches, deserts and coral reefs

Western Australia is the largest state in Australia. This state has an area of 2,645,615 sq km and a population of 2,600,000 (2019) inhabitants. Most of Western Australia’s inhabitants live in the capital Perth. A city located in the southwestern ...

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The climate of Northern Territory: when to go

The Northern Territory has two distinct types of climate, in the northern part of the state, the one that faces the Indian Ocean, the climate is tropical. While in the southern arid regions the climate is desert-like. In the tropical ...

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