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São Paulo: the megalopolis of Brazil

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São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil, as well as the largest commercial, industrial and financial center in the country. This is a real megacity that has a population of over 11 million inhabitants, which become about 22 million considering the metropolitan area of the city. São Paulo is one of the most populated cities on planet Earth. Over half of its population has Italian origins. The city is located in the southeastern part of Brazil a few hundred kilometers from the sea.

This megalopolis, very modern in appearance, extends over a plateau at about 760 meters above sea level. It was founded by the Portuguese Jesuits in 1554. Already in 1560 it became a city and in the following years it grew in importance, becoming, between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the main base of the so-called “bandairantes”, explorers, slave hunters and miners of gold and silver.


São Paulo has however developed recently. Becoming one of the most important cities in Brazil only between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. This is mainly thanks to the development of coffee cultivation and the arrival of immigrants, mainly Italian and German, from Europe. Today São Paulo is the economic engine of Brazil, but it is also a city full of parks and green areas, with a cultural life of international importance.

In this city tourism is mainly linked to economic activities. So the city is more interested in business tourism than in recreational tourism. Most of Brazil’s major fairs are hosted in São Paulo. Cultural tourism is also important for the city. The city has numerous cultural activities and nightlife is considered one of the best in the country.

The city is served by two main airports: Guarulhos International Airport and Congonhas airport. The most important of which is the São Paulo – Guarulhos International Airport. This is the largest airport in Brazil and South America.

The climate of the city.

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