Home / South America / Brazil / The climate of São Paulo: when to go to São Paulo

The climate of São Paulo: when to go to São Paulo

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The city of São Paulo has a sub-tropical climate, with seasons quite variable, generally speaking, the winters are mild and relatively dry and the summers are hot and very rainy. Being close to the sea, the winds coming from the ocean are a constant in the local climate, they bring refreshment during the summer, but also make the air very humid.

São Paulo is also known for its highly variable climate where you can experience all four seasons in one day. Because of its elevation, however, São Paulo enjoys a  decidedly temperate climate.

The sunny hours  in Sao Paulo are 1,738 per year, a low values for Brazil ​​when comparing with 2,084 hours of Rio de Janeiro, 2,364 hours  of Brasilia, 2,464 hours  of Recife, and even lower of  1,784  hours of Manaus in the Amazon.

The rains are abundant, on average there are around 1,400 mm of rainfall in a year, the wettest months are the summer months between December and February, the driest months are between June and August. Rainy days are 134 in a year, the month with the most days of rain is January with less than 18 days, while July and August have, on average, only 7 days of rain each.

The average maximum temperatures vary between 28 ° C in February, the hottest month, and 21 ° C in June and July, while the average minimum temperatures vary between 11 ° C in July, the coldest month, and 18 ° C in January, February and March.


Due to its mild climate, the best time to visit São Paulo are the least rainy months between April and September.


SÃO PAULO (760 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 18,7 27,3 237,4  15
February 18,8 28,0 221,5  14
March 18,2 27,2 160,5  11
April 16,3 25,1 72,6  7
May 13,8 23,0 71,4  6
June 12,4 21,8 50,1  4
July 11,7 21,8 43,9  4
August 12,8 23,3 39,6  4
September 13,9 23,9 70,7  7
October 15,3 24,8 126,9  10
November 16,6 25,9 145,8  11
December 17,7 26,3 200,7  14
YEAR 15,5 24,9 1441,0  107

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