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Karijini National Park: the park of the canyons and waterfalls

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Karijini National Park, also known by the name of Hamersley Range, is famous for its spectacular mountains, gorges, streams and highlands. Karijini is the second largest national park in Western Australia and one of the most spectacular Australian parks.

Located in Pilbara, north of the Tropic of Capricorn, it is located about 1,435 kilometers north of Perth. The park is connected to Perth by the Great Northern Highway which runs east of the park. The inhabited center closest to the park is the mining town of Tom Price which is located 60 km west.

The territory of the Karijini National Park is the ideal habitat for numerous wild animals, and for a multitude of plant species. The park is very rich in wild flowers which bloom especially after the short rainy season transforming the landscape. As for fauna, there are numerous species of birds, red kangaroos, rock-wallabies, echidnas, snakes, lizards, goanna geckos, and several species of bats, the landscape is characterized by huge termite mounds.

The park features numerous varieties of acacia, eucalyptus and melaeluca, 133 types of birds and 92 species of amphibians and reptiles in its fascinating gorges. The rock that makes up the park’s famous gorges was part of the seabed about 2,500 million years ago, when the only life forms on Earth were bacteria and algae.


The main attractions of the park are its canyons and gorges that suddenly cut through the plains. Seasonal rivers flow inside the gorges and have contributed to shaping the landscape making it incredible. Inside the park there are numerous panoramic points from where you can admire the landscape of the gorges. It is also possible to make excursions inside the gorges through trekking routes that lead to the narrowest canyons. But be careful, there are points inside the gorges where it is very dangerous due to the slippery rocks. In the canyon there are waterfalls, lakes, vegetation and spectacular vertical walls.

The most spectacular part of Karijini is the northern one, where there are the deepest canyons, which can reach 100 meters deep, among the most beautiful panoramic points for observing the canyons is the Oxer Lookout, where you can see three gorges that meet: the Weano, Hancock and Joffre gorges.


The visit to the Weano Gorge is one of the most beautiful and spectacular excursions to do in the Karijini park. Through a path that descends into the canyon, you cross the layered rocks that form the walls of the canyon. Through a waterfall you plunge into the cold water of the pond, and find yourself catapulted into a landscape of ponds with waterfalls surrounded by high rock cliffs.


In order to observe this canyon it is necessary to follow a short path that leads to the belvedere from which you have a view of the waterfalls and gorges.


The Dales Gorges are located in the eastern part of the Karijini National Park. Inside this canyon, formed by a river, there are waterfalls, lakes, and steep slopes. Fortescue falls are among the main attractions of the canyon. The waterfalls can be reached by going down a steep path from the parking lot. Just beyond Fortescue Falls is Fern Pool, a small permanent pond with two natural waterfalls surrounded by lush vegetation. The route can continue through the Dales Gorges to the Circular Pool. It is an excellent path along the spectacular Dales Gorge that connects Fortescue Falls with the Circular Pool.


The wild flowers of the Karijini vary with the seasons. In the colder months the ground is covered with the yellow flowers of the acacias and cassias, the Northern Bluebells (Mertensia paniculata) and the Mulla Mulla (Ptilotus) with purple flowers. After the rain many plants bloom profusely. The park boasts 50 varieties of Acacia, eucalyptus and Melaeluca in its gorges.

Karijini Climate: when to go to the Karijini Park.

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