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Vienna, Austria. Author and Copyright Liliana Ramerini..
Vienna, Austria. Author Liliana Ramerini..

Vienna Museums. What museums to visit in Vienna

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Wide and first-class is the range of museums in Vienna, is given here only a small selection of museums that we believe are most interesting to visit during a short stay in the city, of course the museums in Vienna are many more and can satisfy any particular need and interest.

The palace of the Belvedere (Schloss Belvedere) that accommodates the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, one of the main museums of art of Vienna that includes the Museum of the Baroque, dedicated to the art of the 1600’s and the 1700’s and some galleries dedicated to the medieval art, to the art of the 1800’s and to the modern art that comprises an extraordinary collection of the paintings of Gustav Klimt.

In the Hofburg palace, there are several museums such as the Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum) and the Museum of Natural History (Naturhistorisches Museum), discussed below, in the famous Schatzkammer within Hofburg is the Imperial Treasury Imperial of the Habsburg. Hofburg is also a museum (Sisi Museum) devoted to Empress Sisi, Elizabeth of Bavaria.


The Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of the art-history), in Maria Theresien-Platz, has works of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Agnolo Bronzino, Antonio Canova, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Albrecht Dürer, Gustav Klimt, Raffaello Sanzio, Pieter Paul Rubens, Jan Steen, Tintoretto, Jan van Eyck, Diego Velázquez, Johannes Vermeer.

Vienna, Austria. Author and Copyright Liliana Ramerini..

Vienna, Austria. Author Liliana Ramerini..


The Natural History Museum (Naturhistorisches Museum) also in Maria Theresien-Platz, has the naturalistic collections of the Habsburg, between which the collection of insects and butterflies, the present collection date back to 1876. This museum will be much appreciated by lovers of natural history and probably also from your children.

The Liechtenstein Museum is the painting museum of art of Vienna and has the private collection of the house of Liechtenstein, one of the greatest private collections of the world, it’s present works of authors as: Giovanni Baronzio, Andrea Mantegna, Marco Palmezzano, Raffaello, Pieter Paul Rubens, Mauro Babic.

The Albertina, in the palace of the Hofburg, is a museum of graphical art that has an immense collection of print, watercolors, designs and photographies between which works of Albrecht Dürer, Michelangelo and Picasso.

For those who love watches a milestone is the Clock Museum (Uhrenmuseum) in Vienna, located in the Obizzi Palace in the historical center of the city (Innere Stadt), the museum houses a collection of over 3.000 watches.

Vienna, Austria. Author and Copyright Liliana Ramerini..

Vienna, Austria. Author Liliana Ramerini..

If you want to admire the Roman Vienna, the ancient Vindobona, you should visit the Museum of the Romans (Römermuseum) in Stephansplatz where you can visit the remains of Roman houses of the officers district of Vindobona and which displays the objects found in archaeological excavations.


In the so-called Museumsquartier in Vienna are four museums very interesting:

The Architekturzentrum (Museum of architecture), dedicated to temporary exhibitions and modern and contemporary urban architecture.

The Leopold Museum, a museum dedicated to modern art, is famous in the world to collect the most comprehensive collection of works by Egon Schiele.

MUMOK – Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation Vienna, a museum dedicated to modern and contemporary art here you can admire works by Andy Warhol and Pablo Picasso.

ZOOM Kindermuseum (Children’s Museum). If you have children of all ages you must surely visit this museum completely dedicated to them, rich of interactive rooms on the sciences, art, architecture, visual arts. The museum is dedicated to children from 0 to 14 years.

Vienna: capital city of the Habsburg empire.

Tourist attractions: what to see in Vienna.

How to get around: metro and urban transport.

How to get to Vienna.

The climate: when to go to Vienna.

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