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Vancouver: the most livable city of Canada

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Vancouver is the most important city in British Columbia and the third largest city in Canada by population. Its metropolitan area is home to over 2,300,000 people. The city lies on the estuary of the River Freser, on the Burrard Peninsula, and along the shores of the Georgia Strait of the Pacific Ocean.


The city is famous for its natural landscape, dominated by the chain of the North Shore Mountains. Vancouver is full of parks and public gardens, the most important and vast being Stanley Park. The city in recent years has been repeatedly elected by several searches among the most livable cities in the world. The city center is full of towering skyscrapers close to which the green lung of Stanley Park is located. Because of its location, its climate and its parks this city is often defined as the most beautiful city in Canada.

The city has some important museums such as the Museum of Fine Arts (Vancouver Art Gallery), the Civic Museum on the history of the city from prehistory to the present (Museum of Vancouver), the Naval Museum (Maritime Museum), the Museum of Astronomy (HR MacMillan Space Center) and the Museum of History and Traditions of the Indian Populations of the Pacific Northwest Coast (Museum of Anthropology at UBC).

Vancouver is a young city, it was founded only at the end of the 19th century with the name of Gastown. Later the city developed thanks to the port and the Canadian Pacific Railway, which made it the final arrival point on the Pacific. But it was above all the famous gold rush of the late nineteenth century that made it the main inhabited center of British Columbia.

The city is served by an important international airport (Vancouver International Airport). The airport is located only 12 km from the city center with which it is also well connected by Sky Train. The airport is the second largest in Canada for passenger traffic and has connections to all of North America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

The climate of Vancouver.

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