Home / North America / United States / Alaska / Alaska: the last frontier, mountains, rivers and glaciers

Alaska: the last frontier, mountains, rivers and glaciers

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Alaska (The Last Frontier) is the largest of the states that make up the United States of America and is also one of the least populated. Detached from the rest of the federation, this state is located in the northwestern part of the American continent. It borders Canada to the southeast (with the states of Yukon and British Columbia), while on the other sides it is surrounded by the sea. To the north is the Arctic Ocean, the Bering Sea to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the south.


The Bering Strait, which at its narrowest point is 92 km wide, separates Alaska from Asia. Some islands located in the Bering Sea also belong to Alaska, such as the Nunivak and St. Lawrence islands. In addition to most of the islands of the Aleutian archipelago, a group of about 70 volcanic islands that stretch for almost 2,000 km south-west of the Alaska Peninsula.


The country has a particularly jagged coastline, full of inlets and islands, with fjords and glaciers. There are numerous volcanoes, both on the islands and inland. Mountains often reach the sea and reach the highest altitudes in North America.

The southeastern part of Alaska, known as the Alaska Panhandle, is made up of a long, narrow strip of land wedged between the Pacific Ocean and Canada. Land of high mountains, islands, fjords and glaciers, the capital of the state Juneau is located here, as well as numerous historic towns such as Sitka and Ketchikan.

The Coast Mountains and the Saint Elias Mountains mark the border with Canada. At the northern end, Mount Saint Elias (5,489 meters) is the highest peak of the chain in US territory. While the highest mountain in the mountain range, Mount Logan (5,959 meters) belongs entirely to Canada.


The Alaska Range, an arched mountain range that stretches approximately 650 km north of Alaska’s southern coast, is home to North America’s highest mountain, Mount McKinley / Denali (6,194 meters).

South of the mountains, along the coast, is Alaska’s largest city, Anchorage. North of the Alaska Range are the city of Fairbanks and the valley of the Yukon River, Alaska’s most important river.

Beyond the Yukon Valley, to the north, is the Brooks Range mountain range which in many places exceeds 2,000 meters and extends from east to west for over 1100 km. The highest mountain in the Brooks Range chain is Mount Chamberlin (2,749 meters). In the far north is a large flat area, Alaska North Slope, characterized by the typical vegetation of the tundra, here, along the coast is Barrow, the northernmost city in the United States.

Explored by the Russians from the late 18th century. Alaska was Russian territory until 1867, when the entire territory was purchased by the United States of America.

The climate of Alaska.

Finally, among the links to visit first of all the one on the page of the state government.

  • Area: 1,717,854 km². (1st state for greatness of the United States of America)
  • Population: 722,718 (data 2011) (Whites 66.7%, Amerindian 19.1%, Asian 7.1%, Blacks 4.7%. The Hispanic (classified in different racial types) are 5.5%. Data 2010).
  • Capital: Juneau.
  • Languages: The official language is English (spoken as a first language by 87.01% of the population). The Eskimo-Aleut is spoken as a first language by 4.63% of the population, Spanish is spoken by 2:54% of the population. (Data 2005).
  • Religion: Christian 69% (Evangelical (26%), Protestant (19%), Roman Catholic (14%), Mormon (4%), Orthodox (3%)), Muslim (1%).
  • Time zone: (UTC-9; Summer UTC-8. The Aleutian Islands to the west of 169°30′: UTC-10; UTC-9 Summer).

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