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The climate of Provence: when to go to Provence

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Provence is located in the so-called Mediterranean France and has a mild climate which is strongly influenced by the sea. Provence, in fact, enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate with well-marked seasons: the region has in fact two dry seasons – a short one at the end of the winter and a longer and more pronounced one in the summer – and two rainy seasons – the main rainy season in autumn with heavy and sometimes torrential rains, and a secondary rainy season in the spring months -. Winters are mild near the coast, while in the eastern part of the region are rainy. In the area close to the Alps, winters are cold and snowy, this area of the region is characterized by alpine climate.

The summers of Provence are hot and dry, with temperatures that often exceed 30 ° C and relatively cool nights with temperatures between 20 ° C and 25 ° C. Winters are relatively mild and sunny, although sometimes they can be quite cold because of the Mistral, a strong, dry and cold wind blowing at any time of year, between 120 and 160 days a year with average speeds of about 90 km / h. Snow falls in the winter months in the higher areas of the region, but in general in the rest of Provence is a weather phenomenon that is quite rare.


The best months to visit the Provence are those that go from April to September when the weather is pleasant and the temperatures are milder.


MARSEILLE (5 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 4,9 11,8 65,4  6,1
February 5,3 12,9 47,3  5,1
March 6,9 15,5 48,7  4,9
April 8,9 17,9 55,2  6,3
May 12,7 22,2 41,0  4,6
June 16,0 25,7 26,8  3,3
July 18,9 29,1 9,1  1,4
August 18,7 28,7 34,0  2,7
September 15,8 25,0 65,5  3,8
October 12,3 20,4 91,6  6,3
November 7,9 15,0 55,2  5,5
December 6,0 12,6 52,3  5,8
YEAR 11,2 19,7 592,2  55,8
ORANGE (53 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 1,3 9,4 44
February 2,6 11,3 57
March 4,4 14,4 61
April 7,2 17,8 59
May 10,8 22,1 72
June 14,4 26,1 43
July 17,0 29,6 27
August 16,3 28,8 56
September 13,8 25,0 67
October 9,7 19,7 97
November 4,9 13,3 57
December 1,9 9,5 49
YEAR 689

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