Home / Central America / Guadeloupe / The climate of Guadeloupe: when to go to Guadeloupe

The climate of Guadeloupe: when to go to Guadeloupe

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Guadeloupe has a nice warm and humid tropical climate, characterized by two distinct seasons, a hot and humid season from June to November with average maximum temperatures of 32°C and average minimum of 24°C, and a dry and more fresh season from December to May, with average maximum temperatures of 31°C and average minimum of 21°C.

Rainfall varies greatly depending on exposure to the winds, for which there are areas of Guadeloupe greenest and other areas rather dry. The average annual rainfall is 1,500-1,800 mm, the windward slopes are the wettest, while the slopes sheltered from the wind are quite dry. In the wettest slopes of the island have average annual rainfall of over 5,000 mm.

The hot and humid season is also the time when hurricanes can occur, they usually occur between July and October, and sometimes fall on Guadeloupe in a violent way. During the dry and cool season the north-east trade wind keeps the climate very pleasant and moderate the temperatures.

The sea water temperature of Guadeloupe varies between 25 ° C in February and 28 ° C during the months of July, August, September and October.


The best months to visit Guadeloupe are the driest between November and May.


Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 19,9 29,1 84  15,0
February 19,9 29,1 64  11,5
March 20,4 29,4 73  11,5
April 21,7 30,1 123  11,6
May 23,1 30,7 148  13,6
June 23,8 31,3 118  12,8
July 23,8 31,5 150  15,4
August 23,7 31,6 198  16,2
September 23,3 31,5 236  16,6
October 22,9 31,2 228  18,1
November 22,1 30,5 220  16,6
December 20,9 29,6 137  15,7
YEAR 22,1 30,5 1779  174,6

Month Sea Water Temperature °C
January 26
February 25
March 26
April 26
May 27
June 27
July 28
August 28
September 28
October 28
November 27
December 27

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