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Trinidad and Tobago (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago) is an independent presidential republic within the Commonwealth. This republic is located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Venezuela, facing the Orinoco delta.
The state is made up of the two islands of Trinidad and Tobago and some smaller islets (Little Tobago, Chacachacare, Monos, Huevos, Gaspar Grande, St. Giles Island). The capital is the city of Port of Spain located along the northwestern coast of Trinidad.
The island of Trinidad (4,820 sq km), which is only 15 km from the Venezuelan coast, is the largest and is home to over 96% of the country’s population. Much of the island is made up of plains, crossed from east to west by three mountain ranges. The northern chain, continuation of the Venezuelan coastal cordillera, runs parallel to the coast and culminates with Cerro del Aripo (940 meters) the highest mountain in the country.
The island of Tobago (303 sq km) is located 32 km north-east of Trinidad. This island is of volcanic origin and is crossed by a mountain range that reaches the highest point in the north-eastern end of the island with the Pigeon Peak (576 meters). Scarborough is the main center of Tobago.
The country’s economy is mainly based on the extraction and refining of oil, on the extraction of natural gas and asphalt. At Pitch Lake, in the south-western part of Trinidad, there is the largest natural asphalt deposit in the world. Agriculture is also important. Sugar cane, cocoa, coffee, rice, tomatoes, coconuts, citrus fruits, bananas, rubber are grown there). Tourism is an economic sector of great importance and booming. The most developed industrial sectors are the petrochemical and chemical ones and the industries related to the transformation of agricultural products (tobacconists, breweries, sugar factories, distilleries).
The climate of Trinidad and Tobago.
- Area: 5,128 sqkm. (Arable 24%, Pastures 2%, Forests and Woodlands 46%, Uncultivated and Unproductive 28%)
- Population: 1,360,000 (agg. 2019). Asian 40%, Blacks 40%, Mulattos (descendants of European and African) 18%, Whites 1%.
- State Capital: Port of Spain (Trinidad).
- Language: Official language is English. Spoken also Hindi, Spanish and the French Creole (Patois).
- Religion: Christian 56% (Protestant 30% (Anglican 8%, Baptist 7%, Pentecostal 7%, Adventist 4%, Presbiterian 3%), Catholic 26%), Hinduist 24%, Muslim 6%.
- Currency: Trinidad and Tobago Dollar (TTD)
- Time: UTC -4 hours.
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