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The climate of Egypt: when to go to Egypt

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The climate of Egypt has two seasons, a mild winter between November and April and a hot and dry summer from May to October. The country is largely desert, only on the narrow belt crossed by the Nile river cultivations are possible.

The area around Alessandria is the rainiest in the country, but receives only 200 mm of rain per year. The Cairo area has rainfall averages of 100 mm. While further south the rains are almost absent, Aswan receives for example 2 mm per year.

In the spring months, especially in April, a warm wind sometimes blows from the desert, the sirocco (khamsin) which transports large quantities of sand, causing intense sand storms and a sharp rise in temperature.

In Alexandria, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the average minimum temperatures vary between 9 ° C in January and 23 ° C in August. While the average maximum temperatures vary between 18 ° C in January and 30 ° C in August .

In the interior, the temperature differences between the maximum and minimum values are more marked. For example in Aswan the minimum average temperatures vary between 8 ° C in January and 26 ° C in July. While the average maximum temperatures vary between 23 ° C in January and 41 ° C in June.


The climate of the Sinai peninsula and the coast of Egypt along the Red Sea is desertic, hot and dry, with almost totally absent rainfall. The average minimum temperatures in Sharm el Sheikh vary between 13 ° C in January and 28 ° C in August. While the average maximum temperatures vary between 21 ° C in January and 37 ° C in August.

The average temperature of the Red Sea at Sharm el Sheikh varies between 22°C in February and 29°C in August.


The best time to go to Egypt are the months between October and March. As far as the coast of Sinai, the best months for a trip are those between March and May and between September and November.


CAIRO (23 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 9,0 18,9 5,0 3,5
February 9,7 20,4 3,8 2,7
March 11,6 23,5 3,8 1,9
April 14,6 28,3 1,1 0,9
May 17,7 32,0 0,5 0,5
June 20,1 33,9 0,1 0,1
July 22,0 34,7 0 0
August 22,1 34,2 0 0
September 20,5 32,6 0 0
October 17,4 29,2 0,7 0,5
November 14,1 24,8 3,8 1,3
December 10,4 20,3 5,9 2,8
YEAR 15,8 27,7 24,7 14,2
SHARM EL SHEIKH (46 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 13,3 21,7 0,5 0,3
February 13,7 22,4 0,2 0,1
March 16,1 25,1 1,2 0,5
April 20,1 29,8 0,2 0,1
May 23,8 33,9 0,5 0
June 26,5 37,0 0 0
July 26,7 37,5 0 0
August 28,0 37,5 0 0
September 26,5 35,4 0 0,1
October 23,4 31,5 0,8 0,4
November 18,9 27,0 3,3 0,4
December 15,0 23,2 0,5 0,3
YEAR 21,0 30,2 7,2 2,2
ASSUAN (193 meters)
Month Average low (°C) Average high (°C) Precip. (mm) Precip. days
January 8,7 22,9 0 0
February 10,2 25,2 0 0
March 13,8 29,5 0 0
April 18,9 34,9 0 0
May 23,0 38,9 0,1 0,1
June 25,2 41,4 0 0
July 26,0 41,1 0 0
August 25,8 40,9 0,7 0,5
September 24,0 39,3 0 0
October 20,6 35,9 0,6 0,2
November 15,0 29,1 0 0
December 10,5 24,3 0 0
YEAR 18,5 33,6 1,4 0,8


Month Sea Water Temperature °C
January 23
February 22
March 23
April 25
May 27
June 28
July 28
August 29
September 28
October 27
November 26
December 25

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