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The climate of Andalusia: when to go to Andalusia

Alhambra, Granada, Andalucia, Spain. Author and Copyright Liliana Ramerini

Andalusia, being at a latitude between 36 ° N and 38 ° N, is one of the hottest regions in Europe. The climate of Andalusia is in fact of a temperate Mediterranean type with hot and dry summers and mild ...

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The climate of the Canary Islands: when to go to the Canary

The Canary Islands have a sub-tropical, mild and pleasant dry climate throughout the year, without sudden changes in temperature between day and night. The maximum average temperatures vary between 20 ° C and 30 ° C while the minimum average ...

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The climate of Spain: when to go to Spain

The climate of Spain is generally divided into three different types of climate: Continental climate in the central regions, Mediterranean climate in the south and Oceanic climate in the north-west. Besides these three main climates, Spain has a climate of ...

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Tourist attractions of Spain: what to see in Spain

Seville, Andalusia, Spain. Author and Copyright Liliana Ramerini.

Spain is among the most visited countries in the world by tourists, the country is a treasure trove of art, history, languages, folklore, and among the most complete and fascinating natural beauties of the European continent. Among the tourist attractions ...

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Spain: history, culture and natural beauty

Toledo, Spain. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Spain (Reino de España/Kingdom of Spain) is a parliamentary monarchy, which lies in the south-westernmost part of Europe. Spain is located on the Iberian Península, of which it occupies approximately 85%. The remaining 15% are occupied by Portugal. Spain also ...

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